We’re here to help.
How it all started
I started Mind Anchor because I believe it’s possible to eventually get off of medication, if you have the right tools. I believe there’s no shame in using medication and many of us need it from time to time. However, it doesn’t have to be permanent
I’ll level with you - I’ve had my own mental health journey. A few years ago I was working as a nurse in the ICU. Then COVID hit. I saw a lot of suffering, but what was most surprising was witnessing myself and my colleagues suffer with a battle nobody could see - burnout. I got help and saw the benefits of working on my own mental health. My passion for mental health care grew and I want to share what I’ve learned with you. This is why I am doing this today and I couldn’t be happier now.
There’s always hope. There’s always a way.
Psychiatry needs to change
Medications were never meant to be the single, permanent solution to mental health. And yet, medications are often prescribed without a plan to try and remove them later. This isn’t possible for everyone, but it is for many. To make things worse, even more medications are added to deal with side effects. We know there’s a better way.
Its all about balance
Mental health issues often arise when we are out of balance. This is often not in our control and sometimes we need help. That’s ok. We’re here to help you get back to a stable place and then help you figure out the balance once again.